How We Generated Our Client $457K Worth of Jobs in One Week


Learn how Website Warrior's strategic approach and expertise in paid advertising resulted in $457K worth of jobs for our client in just one week. This case study details our methodical steps, demonstrating the power of informed marketing strategies.

1. Market Research and Strategy

Before launching a marketing campaign, it’s crucial to understand your market. We began by conducting comprehensive market research to identify our target audience, determine the most effective platforms, and set a strategic budget. This foundational work ensured that our campaign would reach the right people at the right time.

2. Investigating Industry Trends

Our deep dive into industry trends, particularly in the contractor and construction sectors, guided us in selecting the platforms to test. By focusing on where our client’s audience was most active, we were able to position our ads for maximum impact. Our research pinpointed three key platforms, setting the stage for targeted and effective advertising.

3. Setting the Ad Budget

Determining the minimum ad spend was a critical step. We based our budget on the number of leads we aimed to generate, ensuring a balance between cost-effectiveness and reach. This careful planning helped us allocate resources efficiently, optimizing the potential return on investment.

4. Launching and Measuring Ads

With a clear strategy and budget in place, we launched the ads across the selected platforms. Throughout the campaign, we meticulously tracked performance metrics, analyzing which ads resonated best with our target audience. This ongoing analysis allowed us to adjust and refine our approach in real-time, maximizing the effectiveness of our efforts.

5. Analyzing Results

After a week of data collection, one platform significantly outperformed the others, generating over $452K worth of jobs. This platform alone brought in high-value leads, including a full home remodel project valued at approximately $100K. These results underscored the importance of targeted advertising and strategic platform selection.


This case study highlights the effectiveness of strategic planning, thorough market research, and adaptive advertising strategies. Website Warrior's expertise in these areas enabled us to achieve remarkable results for our client, driving substantial revenue growth in a short time. To experience similar success, contact Website Warrior today. Our tailored advertising solutions are designed to help your business achieve its goals efficiently and effectively.